Solutions for the health and
safety jobs

8 (495) 567-50-12
143005, Московская область, г. Одинцово
ул. Говорова, дом 24Б


East Group, LTD is a young, dinamically developing wholesale trading company. We are the leading 3M`s autorized distributor of  well known trade marks such as Thinsulate® and ScotchLite™ - this is the main branch of our business.

But we always do our best to spread our business, are looking for something new, unusual and interesting for Russian PPE-market. So we are well known as 3M`s Peltor distributor (safety eyewear and protective earmuffs) and Bolle`s (safety and ballistic protective eyewear) distributor, both in industrial and military segments. We endeavored to promote Magnumboots at our local market, as result we became the exclusive distributor of Military, Police and Work-Safety boots under Magnum trade mark in Russian Federation. Also we are the distributor of famous safety and military protective knee and elbow pads produced by Alta Industries. We started to promote at Russian (and nearest area know as Customs Union) local market all these trade marks from the very beginning, making a lot of efforts day by day, step by step. Ricently we began to develop 3M™ Safety-Walk™ Slip-Resistant safety covers - we never stops! 

Our mission is to suggest the best quality for our customers and find the personal key to the each client.

Our relative subcompany is COMBATSHOP.RU - a project which is already interested in a professional military and police, hunters and fishermen, tourists and mountaineers, airsoftgunners and paintballers.

COMBATSHOP.RU is also a wholesale trading company, but it has the online shop, where always available ballistic and shooting glasses, tactical and shooting protective earmuffs (even with headset for communication), apparel, tactical boots, gloves and other tactical and protective equipment.